kinship terms

If you have dealt with any government agencies or non-profits regarding your grafted family, you know that there are often lots of acronyms and jargon encountered when dealing with kinship care.
We want to help caregivers understand all that talk.
Look below to find out what's what when it comes to "kinship-speak."
what do they mean when they say...
Court Appointed Special Advocate
Specially-trained adults appointed by the court to improve a child’s experience in foster care. CASA volunteers provide compassionate, individualized attention to help each child find a safe, permanent home when reunification isn’t likely.
More CASA volunteers are needed!!
Child Protective Services
Child Protective Services staff investigate reports of child abuse and/or neglect in an effort to provide services to protect the child and strengthen the family.
District Attorney
A district attorney is the chief prosecutor of criminal activity in the county. To prosecute means to take legal action against someone.
Kinship Navigator
Kinship Navigator
The Kinship Navigator Program serves as a one-stop shop for information and referral services to grandparents, relatives and other caregivers who are currently raising a child.
Termination of Parental Rights
Termination of Parental Rights means that a person's rights as a parent are taken away. The person is not legally the child's parent anymore. Courts take away parental rights to protect children that are in very bad situations with their custodial parent.
a few laughs